An Objective Review of Prolonlife: Functional Food or Fad?

Have you heard about prolonlife, the new functional food line that promises to boost your health and longevity? Everyone’s talking about how these specialty products can increase your energy, improve your mood, and maybe even extend your life. But are prolonlife foods really all they’re cracked up to be, or are they just another nutritional fad that will fade away? Before you drop a bundle of cash on their meal replacement bars, antioxidant-infused drinks, and supplements, you owe it to yourself to get the real scoop. We dove into the research and nutrition facts behind prolonlife to give you an objective review of whether their functional foods are worth your money or your time. The truth may surprise you.

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What Is Prolonlife? An Overview of the Company and Products

Prolonlife is a health and wellness company that produces nutritional supplements and functional foods. Their products contain ingredients said to provide benefits beyond basic nutrition, like antioxidants, probiotics, and plant extracts.

Prolonlife’s most popular products are their nutraceutical powder blends. These powdered mixes contain things like turmeric for inflammation, spirulina for antioxidants, and prebiotics for gut health. Just add the powder to water, juice or a smoothie and drink once a day. Prolonlife also sells encapsulated supplements, protein bars, and teas featuring ingredients such as ashwagandha, maca root and matcha green tea.

The company sources many ingredients from traditional medicinal plants and superfoods from around the world. While some studies do suggest potential benefits of certain compounds, many purported effects are not conclusively proven. Prolonlife’s products are not regulated as drugs, so consult your doctor, especially if you’re on any medications.

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Prolonlife’s mantra is “real food, real results”. They aim to provide nutrition for biohacking your way to better health and longevity. However, some critics argue the effects of specific ingredients are exaggerated or that benefits can be achieved more affordably through whole foods. Still, many customers report improved well-being, energy and mental clarity from using Prolonlife’s products as directed.

If you’re curious to see whether these functional foods can enhance your health, Prolonlife offers sampler packs to try. Just go in with realistic expectations, as there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. But when combined with a balanced diet and active lifestyle, nutraceuticals may be worth experimenting with.

Evaluating the Science Behind Prolonlife’s Functional Foods

When it comes to the science behind Prolonlife’s functional foods, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, some of their products contain ingredients shown to have certain health benefits. On the other hand, many of their claims seem exaggerated or lack strong evidence from clinical trials.

Take their gut health line, for example. Prolonlife promotes the benefits of prebiotics, probiotics, and certain fermented foods. It’s true that these can help maintain the natural balance of good bacteria in your gut, which is important for digestion and immunity. However, their claims that these products can “revive your gut health in just 3 days” or provide “a lifetime of benefits” are overblown. Improving gut health, especially for those with conditions like IBS or leaky gut, often requires long-term diet and lifestyle changes.

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A closer look at the research

When you look at the actual research cited on Prolonlife’s website, many of the studies are small, funded by supplement companies, or done on animals, not humans. Some ingredients like turmeric or collagen peptides show promise, but larger, long-term studies in people are still needed to confirm many of the proposed benefits.

At the end of the day, Prolonlife’s functional foods are not inherently bad and some may provide nutritional benefits when consumed as part of a balanced diet. However, as with many supplements, the reality likely does not match the hype. The best approach is to talk to your doctor, look at reputable research, and make sure any claims about “miracle ingredients” or “overnight results” sound too good to be true. Your health is worth the extra effort to separate fact from fiction.

Research - Wits University

Potential Benefits of Prolonlife Products

The Prolonlife line of functional foods and supplements purports to offer several potential benefits for health and wellness.

Functional foods, food supplements and nutraceuticals

Improved Gut Health

Prolonlife products like their prebiotic fiber powder and probiotic capsules aim to increase the good bacteria in your gut microbiome and improve digestive health. A balanced gut flora has been linked to benefits like:

  • Enhanced immunity. Your gut and immune system are closely connected.
  • Better mood. Gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters that regulate mood and stress levels.
  • Nutrient absorption. Good gut health helps you absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat.

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Antioxidant Support

Many Prolonlife products, especially their berry-based powders and teas, are high in antioxidants like anthocyanins that help combat free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage your cells, potentially accelerating aging and disease. Antioxidants may help:

  • Slow down skin aging and cell damage. Antioxidants are touted for anti-aging benefits.
  • Reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to health issues like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.
  • Support brain health and cognition. Antioxidants may help prevent cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

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Natural, Plant-Based Ingredients

Prolonlife products are made from natural, organic, plant-based ingredients with no artificial additives. For those looking to follow a whole food diet or limit processed foods, Prolonlife could be an option. Their ingredient lists are simple, with items like:

  • Berries like acai, goji, and maqui which provide antioxidants
  • Ancient grains such as quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat which are high in protein and fiber
  • Natural sweeteners such as coconut sugar, monk fruit, and stevia instead of refined sugar
  • Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, turmeric, and maca for stress support and inflammation reduction

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In summary, Prolonlife functional foods and supplements may potentially offer benefits for gut health, antioxidant levels, and whole food nutrition. However, as with any supplement, the effects can vary between individuals and the claims should be evaluated based on independent research. For some, Prolonlife could be worth trying as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle, but may not live up to all of the hype. You’ll have to see how their products work for you.

Concerns and Criticisms of the Prolonlife Diet

The Prolonlife diet makes some bold claims, but it also raises concerns and criticisms that are important to consider before trying it.

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High initial cost

The Prolonlife system isn’t cheap. The starter kit with meals for 5 days will set you back over $200. While the cost per day decreases if you opt for the 10- or 15-day programs, the upfront cost can still be prohibitive for many. Some critics argue these specialty foods aren’t worth the high price tag and that similar results could be achieved through simple calorie restriction and healthier whole foods.

May be difficult to sustain

The Prolonlife diet involves severe calorie restriction, consuming only 800 to 1,100 calories per day. This can be challenging to sustain and may lead to side effects like fatigue, dizziness, and irritability in some people. The diet’s restrictive nature also makes it difficult for many to stick with long term. Critics argue a more balanced approach to healthy eating and moderation is easier to maintain in the long run.

An Objective Conclusion: Are Prolonlife Products Worth Trying?

So, after reviewing Prolonlife and their product claims objectively, what’s the final verdict? Are their functional foods worth trying or just another diet fad? Let’s weigh the pros and cons:


  • Prolonlife uses natural, organic ingredients with proven health benefits. Things like turmeric, matcha green tea, and beetroot powder are backed by scientific studies showing they can reduce inflammation, boost immunity, improve brain function and more.
  • The products are plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free and low in sugar, so they can fit into many special diets and lifestyles. This may appeal to health-conscious consumers looking for “clean” options.
  • Prolonlife is transparent about their sourcing and manufacturing processes. All products are made in Canada under strict quality controls. This could give customers peace of mind about what they’re really consuming.

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  • The products are quite expensive, ranging from $30 to $60 for a one-week supply. This high cost may not be sustainable or practical for many budgets in the long run.
  • There is little regulation on supplements and functional foods. Although ingredients may be natural, there is still a possibility of contamination or misleading claims. It can be hard for consumers to determine how much of the benefits are hype vs. reality.
  • Results will vary from person to person. What works for some may not work for others. Without trying the products yourself, you can’t know for sure if they will live up to the promises.

In the end, Prolonlife seems to offer high-quality, natural products that appeal to the health-conscious consumer. However, the high cost and variability in results are factors to consider before diving in. If you’re curious about their functional foods and can afford to try them, go for it—but go in with realistic expectations about what they can really do for your health and wellness. For some, Prolonlife could be a game-changer; for others, it may just end up an expensive fad.


So there you have it, an objective look at the pros and cons of Prolonlife and whether their products live up to the hype. As with any new health food trend, do your own research to determine if functional foods can benefit you specifically. While Prolonlife makes some promising claims and their products do contain ingredients shown to have certain health benefits, the research is mixed and the effects seem to vary greatly between individuals. If you do give Prolonlife a try, start slowly and listen to your body to see how you feel. Your health is worth the investment of time, but no product is a magic bullet. A balanced diet, exercise, sleep, and limited stress will always be the pillars of wellness. Prolonlife could be one small part of the big picture, but go in with realistic expectations. Your health is ultimately in your hands, so choose wisely and stay skeptical. The truth is out there!

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